Born in Blood: Violence and the Making of America
Scott Gac, Professor of History and American Studies
Cambridge University Press, 2024; 355 pages

Networks of Touch: A Tactile History of Chinese Art, 1790–1840
Michael J. Hatch, Associate Professor of Fine Arts
The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2024; 205 pages

Immigration, Security, and the Liberal State: The Politics of Migration Regulation in Europe and the United States
Gallya Lahav and Anthony M. Messina, John R. Reitemeyer Professor of Political Science, Emeritus
Cambridge University Press, 2024; 492 pages

The Innermost House
Cynthia Blakeley ’81
Bright Leaf, 2024; 256 pages

A Home in Woods Hole: Life and History on Eel Pond
Elizabeth Heslop Sheehy ’86
The History Press, 2024; 208 pages

The Keeper
Joan Vincent IDP’86
North Street Publishing, 2023; 395 pages

What’s Next: A Backstage Pass to The West Wing, Its Cast and Crew, and Its Enduring Legacy of Service
Melissa Fitzgerald and Mary McCormack ’91
Dutton, 2024; 588 pages

Scratch My Itch: A Caregiver’s Honest, Humorous, and Healing Stories about the Horrors of ALS
Cyndy Mamalian ’92
Resource Publications, 2024; 151 pages

Around Every Corner of Connecticut: 100 Towns to Explore Every Season
Sarah Cody ’95
Globe Pequot, 2024; 192 pages

If you have a recent publication that you would like listed in The Trinity Reporter, please submit a copy to Sonya Storch Adams, Office of Communications, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106. Questions? Email [email protected].

Photo by Nick Caito